Draining the Fenton River Dry

Acceess to water remains a central point of contention in the University of Connecticut's efforts to expand its flagship campus in Storrs, Connecticut.

In a book filled with intrigue and suspense, H2Woe navigates nearly 140 years of water wars in the town of Mansfield, Connecticut. Charles Vidich tells the riveting story of how water resources have been controlled by busines, industry and overly poweful state institutions that are lightly regulated and wth few constraints placed on their domineering control of the public trust.

Critical Acclaim for H2Woe

Praise for H2Woe has been unequivocal with support from attorneys, environmentalists and organizations representing the environmental interests of Mansfield. Hee is a sampling of the reviews we have received so far:

"H2Woe by Charles Vidich reveals in vivid and well researched detail the complexities of regulating water resources in an era of climate change and its attendant uncertainty. The example presented here is of a lightly regulated public institution in a New England town. Based on historical legislative and journalistic records (rather than on more subjective opinion), Vidich demonstrates the ongoing issues of both water quality and quantity at the local level. He lays out the steps and missteps—and the power struggles—that continue up to the present day on water regulation. Armed with a better understanding of how we arrived where we are today, we will perhaps realize our responsibility to future generations when we regulate the quality and quantity of our water resources."

Mansfield Environmental Trust.
Mansfield, Connecticut

"Vidich deserves kudos for putting together an extremely interesting and timely history of the water issues facing both the University of Connecticut (Storrs) as well as the surrounding towns. This study is brilliant in its clarity and objectivity and is a must-read for those professionals in the water planning field, policy professionals and those concerned with water sustainability issues. The narrative portion of the study is lively and engaging. Even local residents of the area should find the narrative portion of this study to be an entertaining read."

Deborah Sellitto

"Excellent comprehensive review of the whole story...carefully researched,objective presentation. Charlie's dedication and attention to detail is incredible! Thanks for your scholarship!!!!"

Julia Sherman

Where can I Purchase or Read H2Woe? 

You can purchase this book on Amazon.com or at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore in downtown Storrs, Connecticut. It is also available in the Ashford, Coventry, Mansfield, Stafford Springs, Tolland and Willington Public Libraries as well as the Dodd Center at the University of Connecticut, the Special Collections Librry at Eastern Connecticut State University and the State Library in Hartford, CT.
